The Ideal Recruitment Process For Companies

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An effective recruitment process will always be needed by the company. In addition to meeting the needs of competent human resources, this can also enhance the image of a quality and dynamic company. Below we have developed steps that can be used to guide the ideal recruitment process.

1. Analyze Position Needs
In the first recruitment process, the Company must identify the need for new employees to be recruited. Increased workload from old employees can reduce performance if they do not get help. Another possible reason for the need for recruitment is the opening of new divisions or job transfers.

2. Planning for RecruitmentThe next recruitment process, make a plan for the position needed. Write a job description, qualifications and experience needed, and where to place it in Recruitment Agencies.

Also determine the personnel of the HRD team who will be responsible for working on it, monitoring the process, sorting out applicants, conducting interviews, and finally giving a job offer.

3. Place Job AdvertisementsHRD can make internal announcements about new job openings, to get them from existing HR. The advantage is that this recruitment knows the company better.

The choice of media to place job advertisements also determines the results of recruitment. Choose print and online media that have a reader market share that suits the needs of the company. HRD can also use the services of specialized portal job seekers online such as
4. Processing the Application
With effective job advertisements, job applications will soon arrive. Before that happens, prepare a selection criteria to help the process of elimination, if there are too many applicants.

To shorten the process, applicants who meet the criteria and meet the requirements are contacted by telephone or sms notifying the scheduled interview.

5. Interview Qualified Candidates

The HRD team can use the telephone to conduct “short interviews” or pre-interviews to ensure that the candidates are suitable for direct interviews.

Inform the candidates that before the interview they must have filled in the job application forms, permission for the company to carry out background checks, references, and so on.

If necessary, conduct a second stage direct interview after checking background, references, and so on. At present the number of applicants who passed the selection has decreased.

6. Check References and Background
Reference and background checks are a must now. HRD can find out the consistency of applicant’s written and verbal information through conversations with managers or previous supervisors.

Companies need employees who are authentic in their attitudes and work behavior, because they can use the services of writers to make an interesting curriculum vitae, but not necessarily in accordance with reality.

Beyond that, look for their profile on social media, see a few posts to get to know their personalities for recruitment purposes.

7. Choose the Right People
If you’ve done all the steps above, HRD is ready to choose candidates that fit the company’s needs.

8. Make a Job Offer

Prepare job offers and contracts in accordance with the position.

Make a letter of notification and thank the candidates who have not been accepted to work at this time. Take this extra step to create a good corporate image in the eyes of job applicants. They will appreciate your hospitality.

9. Notifying Compensation and Other
This is the time to call selected candidates and negotiate salaries and company benefits such as overtime, health insurance, and so on.

You also need to tell the date the candidate starts working so that he has enough time to complete the job at the company beforehand.

10. Accept new employees

The end of the next recruitment process, Welcome the new employees of the company kindly. A good first impression will determine this working relationship. Take a walk around, introduce some other employees to make him feel welcome. It is important to foster togetherness from day one.

Through a good recruitment process, it is not impossible for you to get qualified employees. To fulfill all of that, we need a system like Apps