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As a result of untreated bad breath


Bad breath is usually a sign of dental problems or certain diseases.

Bad breath can signal complications from 3 major types of health problems. For example, bad breath that smells of ammonia is a problem with your kidneys, and halitosis may be a complication of anorexia nervosa. In fact, bad breath with a sweet or fruity aroma can be a symbol of ketoacidosis, a severe complication of diabetes.

You may not even realize that you may have halitosis, but you often feel shunned. This may be related to the results of a study that found 78{1e9610a02c0f2f33a49776a6f3a4cdb5337e34789fd8a9ca89ecccf97f2bcf28} of participants had bad breath, but 20{1e9610a02c0f2f33a49776a6f3a4cdb5337e34789fd8a9ca89ecccf97f2bcf28} of participants did not understand that they experienced bad breath.

Still in the same study, hyperlinks were also found related to the psychosomatic aspects of online resource halitosis, namely decreased self-confidence, increased sensitivity, trying to feel ‘inferior’ in social interactions. Those of you who have bad breath may have felt this, so they often feel lazy to travel or are increasingly distant from the surrounding environment.

Wow, it turns out that bad breath isn’t just about eating onions or maybe a bad habit of brushing your teeth. So, how do you prevent bad breath, especially if you don’t realize that you have bad breath?

How to Prevent Bad Breath

Bad breath due to a disease can be relieved by treating the underlying disease. For example, diabetes bad breath can be reduced by undergoing a compilation of diabetes drugs. Bad breath due to gum disease can be relieved by treating oral health problems.

Meanwhile, bad breath due to reduced oral hygiene, good drinking and food, certain dietary habits, fasting, or smoking habits can be prevented through the use of mouthwash. You can use mouthwash or mouthwash as an additional routine after brushing.

You can choose an antiseptic mouthwash that can prevent bad breath and get rid of the bacteria that cause plaque buildup on teeth and gum problems, but will not cause irritation. There is also a variant of mouthwash that is believed to prevent the formation of tartar or tartar and maintain gum health. Therefore, choose a mouthwash that suits your needs, or you can also take bad breath relief supplements such as steel bite pro.

Mouthwash can reduce bad breath due to eating food that smells strong and the reasons behind bad breath mentioned earlier. For maximum dental hygiene, you are still advised to clean your teeth twice a day with a toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste, followed by using dental floss and mouthwash.

Make sure you use mouthwash for a few seconds starting from the mouth area to rinsing the back of the throat. If using mouthwash with fluoride, it is advisable not to rinse immediately with water afterward. Don’t forget to brush the top of your tongue to keep it clean from bacteria and do regular dental checkups, at least twice a year.

If bad breath persists despite making lifestyle changes, using mouthwash, and maintaining dental hygiene, it is best to consult with a health care provider to find out other reasons behind halitosis.

So, what are you waiting for? Don’t let bad breath limit your social agenda or important meetings. Come on, start keeping the mouth area clean so you dare to show off without thinking about bad breath!