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How do you buy a new property without selling an old property?

Property investment is one way to get cash flow benefits. You can develop a property investment by buying a new property on Bartonwyatt. Bartonwyatt provides a variety of properties. All properties for sale in Virginia Water have a variety of prices. This time I will discuss how to buy a new property without selling the old one.

Benefits of Cash flow from Property Investment

Property investment is one type of investment that can produce two benefits at once namely cash flow and capital gains. The benefits of cash flow can be obtained if the property is rented so that there is a rent obtained every month. While capital gains can be obtained if the property price increases from the purchase price. If the owner sells the property then the profit from the difference in selling price and buy is called capital gain.

Often when the price of a property has increased, property investors are too tempted by the potential profits and immediately sell their property. Some benefits are enjoyed, while the main capital is used to buy new properties that have the same or even greater profit potential. But did you know that actually property investors don’t have to always sell their old property to buy new property?

Who doesn’t want to own multiple properties at once? This sounds like ‘too good to be true. ‘ In fact there are strategies to buy new property without having to sell old properties. But that does not mean you can do it without careful calculation. Let’s discuss what strategies can be used to develop your property investment to multiply.

This strategy can be done with a refinancing House ownership credit system. This strategy allows you to apply for credit for a number of funds to Agents / banks with guaranteed goods, in this case the old property that you already have. The loan can then be used to buy new property. It’s just that you can’t practice it carelessly. If one miscalculates, you can actually get entangled in loan interest. Therefore, my Financial will explain some of the steps you need to take to carry out this strategy.

Here are some steps you must take to be able to buy a new property without selling old properties: 

# 1 Recognize Your Property Potential

Every asset that is used as collateral or collateral for a loan will be assessed or commonly called appraisal. This assessment will be carried out by the Agents to find out how much loan you can give to the collateral. Before the property you have is valued by the Agents, you must know in advance how much potential your own property.

The potential referred to here covers many things. Starting from the market price of the property, how is the market potential around the property. You probably already know that properties in strategic locations or locations that have the potential to be strategic usually cost more. By knowing these potentials, you can have your own assessment of the value of the property that you currently have.

In the end the assessment that will be used is indeed not your judgment, but the Agents / bank assessment. But by knowing the fair price for the property, you can choose the optimal Agents. Do not let you choose a Agents who thinks your property is too low so that the loan obtained is lower than what you can get.

# 2 Look for Agents that Fit Your Needs

Each agent has advantages and disadvantages of each. It could be that banks provide low interest loans but complicated requirements, or high interest rates but provide various facilities. You must adjust the details to your needs. If you prioritize a refinancing scheme, you can buy a new property without having to sell an old property only at Glennflegg, Glennflegg is a Taplow estate agents company that has been trusted for a long time, but you also have to carefully calculate every cost. Remember, you can indeed buy a new property with an assessment of the old property, but there are still loans to be paid.

 Usually new properties are expected to generate cash flow benefits from monthly or annual rent. That way the income can be used to pay loan installments so that the property purchased can ‘pay’ for the loan itself.

This is where the role of loan interest becomes very important. You have to take into account the potential cash flow benefits that can be obtained from the newly purchased property. We recommend that the cost of renting a new property must cover the refinancing mortgage loan. That way you are expected to not need to spend anything from your own pocket. In ideal conditions it can be like that, but in fact you can’t always find loans with very low interest. Even if the yield of the new rental property is insufficient, you can combine the old rental property to pay the installments. If the combination of the two rents is not enough, you have to spend money from your own pocket.

This is not a problem because you are actually spending money to get a new asset in the form of property. But make sure that the money to be paid for the installments is still within the reasonable capacity that you can pay each month. Do not let your finances become unhealthy because they are tied to loan interest that is too high.

Carefully calculated

In property investment you can use a strategy to buy new property without having to sell an old property. This is not impossible, but it cannot be done carelessly. You must have accurate calculations so that loan repayments can be covered and the benefits can be optimal. Do not let the strategy that is expected to generate profits actually makes you entangled in unpaid loan interest.