If you look at the Managing Digital Marketing research conducted by Smart Insights, you’ll notice that a shocking 46{1e9610a02c0f2f33a49776a6f3a4cdb5337e34789fd8a9ca89ecccf97f2bcf28} of brands do not have a clearly defined strategy for digital marketing. Furthermore, 16{1e9610a02c0f2f33a49776a6f3a4cdb5337e34789fd8a9ca89ecccf97f2bcf28} have a strategy but haven’t made it a part of their marketing activity. When a business doesn’t have a marketing plan, it will be more difficult for them to grow, adapt, and correct mistakes. Below are some tips for creating an effective digital marketing strategy.
1. Set Clear, Attainable Goals
Working towards Your Goals
Start by deciding on goals for your business. You should develop a digital marketing strategy that will allow you to work towards these goals.
You should think about what you want to accomplish with digital marketing. Are you trying to attract a new audience? Are you looking to increase your conversion rates? You should set realistic goals and work to achieve them.
Measuring Your KPIs
It’s always best to be specific when it comes to these goals. You’ll want to determine the figures you are trying to reach.
Of course, you should make sure that any goals you are setting are realistic. You’ll want to keep your expectations in check, but you’ll also want to make sure you’re seeing an increase in your numbers. Leapfrog SEO can help.
2. Look at Analytics
When you’re developing a strategy, you shouldn’t play things by ear. Instead, you should look at your analytics. This will allow you to see where you have succeeded and failed in the past. This will also allow you to set the right KPIs going forward.
Pick a period of time to analyse. For example, if you’re planning on developing a marketing strategy for the next quarter, you’ll want to look at your analytics from the last quarter.
Analysis Tips
Once you’ve picked a period that you’d like to analyse, input this time frame into your calendar on Google Analytics.
If you’d like to look at how your progress compares against your top competitors, you may want to utilise Google’s Benchmarking Reports.
In addition to looking at your own analytics, you’ll want to analyse the strategies that your competitors are using. Tools like SEMrush will help you to identify competitor strategies so that you can build a spreadsheet that showcases their activity online.
3. Keep Your Target Audience in Mind
You should do plenty of planning, but you should also consider the people you’re communicating with. You should have your target audience defined. However, when you’re focusing on things like selecting channels and setting KPIs, it’s easy to overlook this.
Your target audience should be at the centre of any digital marketing campaign. You’ll want to make sure you’re saying the kinds of things that will actually have an impact on your audience. How can you do this? You need to build personas for your customers.
How to Build a Persona
Begin by listing demographic information for your target audience. This could include their age, location, and gender.
Once you have the basics down, you can look a little more closely and find solutions to the problems your target audience is facing.
Try to determine what their goals are. What are they afraid of? What do they want? If you know what your customers are thinking and feeling, it will be easier for you to reach them. Try to deepen your understanding of your audience so that you can connect with them.