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How to Create a Modern CV?

At a time when jobs are becoming scarce, which leads to stiff competition between candidates, it is important to create an effective curriculum vitae. In other words, your CV must be written in a modern way. The document is essential to get a job interview and even the job sought. Here is how you can do it!

Showcase the Basic Elements of your Profile

The first lines of your curriculum vitae should clearly indicate the general elements of your profile, supported by an elegant and clear presentation. By the way, use an online CV creator for a better result. Your surname, first name, date of birth or age, your address, and your practice of another language should appear immediately. This direct and simple aspect reassures the recruiter and represents a saving in time if the criterion of proximity is a determining element, for instance.

The Importance of the CV Sections

Headhunters often receive a lot of CVs. So, they should be able to read your different experiences quickly and clearly. It applies to each section of the resume: professional experiences, diplomas, training, hobbies, soft skills, etc. For this purpose, the organization of the CV into separate sections remains an essential element. Transparent headings and spaces highlighted by a clear presentation should help the employer to quickly understand if your skills match their needs.

Go for the Reverse Chronology

The modern CV requires a presentation of your information in reverse chronological order. It is then advisable to start with the most recent diploma and experience, before presenting your various experiences going back in time. This writing timeline applies to all of the sections of your resume. The employer, who is always seeking to reduce the time-consuming aspect of the recruitment process, will therefore first read your current or recent experiences, the last diploma you obtained, or the type of leisure activity in which you have been invested.

Be careful, past experiences can also be your assets. The recruiter will take it into account in second place, after the first selection of candidates from the many job applications they receive. But your application can be rejected at the first selection, despite your potential, if the recruiter does not clearly see the order of your CV or if current or recent experiences are not clear. In a nutshell, take time to highlight your recent experiences without neglecting the past ones if it is related to the vacation.