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University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School

University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School students consistently pursue careers at top law firms, leading public interest organizations, government bodies, and academic institutions across the country and around the world. The strength of our programs coupled with our extensive alumni network ensure that graduates can enter the market working in the fields they love, writing the future of law both nationally and internationally. European Union law is the first and so far the only example of a supranational law, i.e. an internationally accepted legal system, other than the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. It is used to control…
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College Of Pennsylvania Carey Law Faculty

Upon commencement, you may be a part of our network of greater than 14,000 successful law alumni across numerous apply areas and industries. With graduates that dominate each the personal and non-private sectors of San Diego’s legal community and throughout the U.S., a USD Law degree connects you across the nation. “Our college students do not study the law from a book today and wait to unravel real issues in our communities tomorrow. We cannot afford to attend. As the one law faculty within the city, school and college students Law are empowered to be active in the community.” Study…