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What is CXM or Customer Experience Management?

CXM or Customer Experience Management manages client interaction through each digital and physical touchpoint to deliver personalized experiences that increase revenue and drive brand loyalty. Brands accomplish customer experience management programs through combinations of analytics software, data management systems, and thorough research.

CXM oversees client interactions. It plans how an organization will react or initiate engagement at various points in the client’s journey. The goal of these plans is to increase client satisfaction, as well as drive brand loyalty – but it is never easy.

According to studies, organizations are challenged to spend more money on paying customer data management software or tools, find one solution that meets their needs, as well as create unified data administration plans across every line of teams or business. As for the maturity of CXMs, only 5% of surveyed individuals had average scores of four or higher on scales of one to five.

To find out more about CX, click here for details.

Coronavirus Disease-19’s impact on customer experience management

It is pretty hard, but it really matters. The people responsible for managing CX administration for their companies need to consider the market landscape, as well as how it is affected by today’s world health pandemic. In an instant, the world changed, and individuals shifted their focus to important things.

Americans become pretty cautious: their savings rate increased drastically to the highest level in years, and people started to prioritize things in new ways. Companies are also focusing on important things like how to shift their operating models a lot quicker, what can open, what is no longer critical, who needs (or wants) to work on-site, as well as how to stay relevant for their customers online, in-person, and everything in between.

The new, and maybe the company’s only mission is to change with the times to be important and relevant to their consumers, whether they are selling tools, hardcover books, software, or entertainment. By bringing the organization’s talents and mind together across businesses, technology, and experience, they can transcend survival mode, increase productivity, minimize costs, solve challenging problems more effectively and efficiently, as well as get to their target market a lot faster.

Customer experience mandate and digital transformation

CX now looks different, and it will be important for organizations to pivot to provide their clients the experiences they need and want now, instead of what made them happy one year ago. Client behavior may have changed forever because of the recent pandemic, but it is undoubtedly changed for the next couple of years.

Organizations, services, and essential products in an individual’s life will recover a lot faster, and it is not just a baker’s yeasts or toilet papers. It revolves around how people think, how they double down on online transformations, as well as what they leave behind. Organizations that went halfway into online transformation have little to no choice now but to improve their processes.

Want to know more about DXPs? Check out to find out more.

Corporate Financial Officers across the United States knows that while half of them say their businesses plan to cut or defer investments because of the recent pandemic, only 20% said those layoffs or cuts would be made to online transformation efforts. And 14% of CFOs said CX would be on their chopping blocks. It is clear that online transformation, as well as CX, fall in their “KEEP” column.

Customer journey management: hypothetical or historical?

Part of an excellent client experience administration strategy includes consumer journey management. It is the practice of using technology and behavioral trends to help minimize consumers’ efforts across every platform and touchpoint.

Orchestration engine tools or software for this process is designed to help companies analyze consumer interactions in every platform and touchpoint, execute suitable communications, as well as predict future client interaction. According to experts, this process can be either hypothetical or historical. Companies can enable and influence journeys, but they cannot dictate them.

Moreover, a consumer-centric business would not try to do so. It can leverage consumer insights, behavioral data, marketing technologies, and design to optimize and better understand every step of the process. If done right, CXM is just as important for organizations as it is for end-users.

How can CXM tools and software help?

A robust program is only as good as the tool behind it. Companies need to track, collect, organize, manage, personalize, execute, and analyze essential interactions with consumers or prospects. They can do this through reliable and robust customer experience management tools or software.

These tools can incorporate systems such as CRMs, personalization engines, content administration, web analytics, consumer data platforms, client feedback, journey orchestration, as well as platforms in the DXP or Digital Experience Platform ecosystem.

Putting consumers first

In conclusion, a strong CXM program can lead to CXs that are consistent in every platform, valuable to both valuable and frictionless to both customers and businesses. The promise of this program for marketers is the ability to move from retention and acquisition tactics to an approach that puts the client’s unique needs first.

It may be true that there is no such thing as perfect one-size-fits-all consumer journeys, but there are perfect journeys. Embracing one-on-one strategies – enabled by machine learning and Artificial Intelligence – delivers a more personalized and better experience for people and better business outcomes.