There are times when payday products make sense. They’re designed to be called upon in emergencies. By emergency, we reference things like the unexpected expense of a car or boiler breakdown, unexpected bills, or medical expenses. These things can’t be helped but require a quick injection of cash to recover the situation. They usually have an impact on your health, wellbeing, or financial security.
Our advice would be not to use them for everyday spending on non-essential items like clothes, shopping, gifts, gambling, or arrears in other finance agreements. If you find yourself in need of money to cover those emergency costs you may be in financial difficulty and should seek advice. A payday loan will not help in those situations and could add another source of expensive debt, which is likely to increase stress, negating the initial benefit.
Which are the best payday loans in the UK?
It’s difficult for us to suggest which payday products are the best in the UK as some of the best-reviewed products might not fit your individual circumstance. As we’ve mentioned, your eligibility for a product will differ from lender to lender. That’s why we suggest using our Get Accepted application process to get a more accurate response on who will accept your application before you make any decisions.
As an initial point of research here’s the minimum criteria for 3 great payday products:
- You need to be aged 18 or over
- You will need to have a regular income
- You must be a UK resident
- You need to have a UK bank account with an active debit card
- You will need a mobile phone
- You must have an email address
- You must be aged between 18 and 74
- You need to be a UK resident
- No bankruptcy
- You will need an email address
- You must have a mobile phone
- You must agree to a credit check
Uncle Buck
- You must be aged 18 or over
- You need to be a UK resident
- You must be employed
- Your salary must be paid into your bank account
- You need to have a valid debit card
- You must have an email address
- You must have a mobile phone
- No debt management plans, IVAs or bankruptcy